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Mohammed Ben Sulayem, President, FIA, arrives at the track
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Formula 1 Abu Dhabi GP

Jon Noble: Why FIA crisis talks only served to fire up combative Ben Sulayem even more

OPINION: FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem is surrounded by talk of a crisis within the governing body. But is he willing to listen to the outside noise, or will he press on despite the growing criticism? All signs point to one answer

After a raft of staff exits grabbed headlines, a high-profile row over a swearing clampdown and a public demand from Formula 1 drivers to be treated like adults, you may have thought FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem might want to adopt a conciliatory approach to calm the waters around him.

But it took just a few short minutes of a sit-down interview with him in Qatar last weekend, as he fired off his thoughts, to realise that the complete opposite is the case.

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Jonathan Noble
Formula 1
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