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Autosport Plus

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Advertising on has a wide range of products and options available tailored to reach your marketing and advertising objectives. In order to know more and get our latest media kit please contact our advertising sales representative:

+44 0203 405 8100

Our profile: global leader, recognized brand is the racing community’s premier destination for fresh, compelling and targeted content on motor racing: news, photos, video, live streams and more. covers every racing series including Formula One, NASCAR, Le Mans, World Endurance Championship, IndyCar, World Rally Championship, MotoGP and more.

Our worldwide network of award-winning editors, writers and photographers are constantly providing new and live content to our website and social media outlets.

Thanks to our cutting-edge technology, we publish more than 13,000 news articles, photos and videos every month. Among others, our library of 26 million racing photos is the largest in the world.

Our audience: passionate, loyal, engaged is the destination of choice to connect your brand with a global audience of motorsport fans and professionals who are influential consumers.

Enjoying a higher than average household income, our audience is composed of consumers receptive to a wide array of products and services: automobile, after-market parts, computer/electronics, sporting goods, food/beverage, energy drinks, travelling, financial services and many more.

With the power of our digital distribution platform, we offer you, as a marketer and advertiser, many different options to engage with affluent, educated and global motor racing fans who are passionate and loyal to the brands that support their favorite sport.

Our racing category-based structure allows our advertising partners to enjoy unparalleled targeting based on racing series. Combined with traditional targeting offered by our advertising platform (Doubleclick for Publishers) and IAB-standard advertising units and policies, our advertising partners can connect to the audience that they want.

Our advertising options: Maximum ROI ads

We offer a wide array of IAB-standard and customized ad formats, all designed to drive your brand equity. Those ads can be rich-media and targeted (including geo-targeted) using DFP and racing series. We serve more than 65 million ad impressions per month

Universal ads (IAB) Size 
Leaderboards 728x90
Medium rectangles 300x250
Wide skyscrapers 160x600
Rising stars (IAB) Size
Super leaderboards 970x90
Half page 300x600
Billboard 970x250
Expandable ads (IAB) Size
Pushdown 970x90 to
Video ads Duration
Pre-roll 15 seconds
Pre-roll 30 seconds
Custom display Size
Skins 1500x900
Interstitials 900x500

More options and special offers: flexible ad programs

In addition to ROS based campaigns, also propose many special offers and options, volume discounts and more customizable programs. also offers a wide range of editorial options customized for you and your marketing objectives. We can also create the content.

Additional opportunities

  • Racing category sponsorship
  • Home pages takeover
  • Sponsored features
  • Sponsored content
  • Sponsored contest
  • Exclusive partner program
  • Social media
  • Email newsletter sponsorship
  • And much more

Contact info

In order to know more and get our latest media kit please contact our advertising sales representative:

+44 0203 405 8100

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Autosport Plus

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