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Antonio Felix da Costa

Antonio Felix da Costa

Date of birth
Date of birth
Formula E champions look back: Electric world championship turns 10

Formula E champions look back: Electric world championship turns 10

Formula E
Formula E
Formula E champions look back: Electric world championship turns 10
Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash

Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash

Formula E
Formula E
London ePrix II
Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash
Da Costa: Rowland "a sore loser" after London Formula E collision

Da Costa: Rowland "a sore loser" after London Formula E collision

Formula E
Formula E
London ePrix II
Da Costa: Rowland "a sore loser" after London Formula E collision
How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown

How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown

Formula E
Formula E
Portland ePrix II
How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown
Portland E-Prix: Da Costa bags hat-trick of wins, Cassidy non-scores again

Portland E-Prix: Da Costa bags hat-trick of wins, Cassidy non-scores again

Formula E
Formula E
Portland ePrix II
Portland E-Prix: Da Costa bags hat-trick of wins, Cassidy non-scores again
Da Costa: "Sneaky" radio messages to Andretti helped in Shanghai Formula E win

Da Costa: "Sneaky" radio messages to Andretti helped in Shanghai Formula E win

Formula E
Formula E
Shanghai ePrix II
Da Costa: "Sneaky" radio messages to Andretti helped in Shanghai Formula E win
Da Costa: FIA must "find another way" other than disqualifying cars post-race

Da Costa: FIA must "find another way" other than disqualifying cars post-race

Formula E
Formula E
Monaco ePrix
Da Costa: FIA must "find another way" other than disqualifying cars post-race
Porsche: “Not all teams treated equally” after da Costa Formula E Misano DSQ

Porsche: “Not all teams treated equally” after da Costa Formula E Misano DSQ

Formula E
Formula E
Misano ePrix I
Porsche: “Not all teams treated equally” after da Costa Formula E Misano DSQ
Da Costa: No penalty for Rowland's Formula E Tokyo defence "sucks"

Da Costa: No penalty for Rowland's Formula E Tokyo defence "sucks"

Formula E
Formula E
Tokyo ePrix
Da Costa: No penalty for Rowland's Formula E Tokyo defence "sucks"

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