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Nick Cassidy
New Zealand

Nick Cassidy

Date of birth
New Zealand
New Zealand
Date of birth
Wehrlein’s Formula E Sao Paulo crash was “a sickening feeling”, says Cassidy

Wehrlein’s Formula E Sao Paulo crash was “a sickening feeling”, says Cassidy

Formula E
Formula E
Sao Paulo ePrix
Wehrlein’s Formula E Sao Paulo crash was “a sickening feeling”, says Cassidy
The 1986 F1 lesson that will overshadow Jaguar Formula E joy

The 1986 F1 lesson that will overshadow Jaguar Formula E joy

Formula E
Formula E
London ePrix II
The 1986 F1 lesson that will overshadow Jaguar Formula E joy
Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash

Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash

Formula E
Formula E
London ePrix II
Cassidy and da Costa “cried together” after Formula E title-defining clash
Jaguar’s “free to race” policy that could put Formula E championship glory at risk

Jaguar’s “free to race” policy that could put Formula E championship glory at risk

Formula E
Formula E
London ePrix I
Jaguar’s “free to race” policy that could put Formula E championship glory at risk
How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown

How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown

Formula E
Formula E
Portland ePrix II
How da Costa’s double and Cassidy’s collapse sets up a Formula E showdown
Why the Jaguar driver who didn't win in China will depart the happiest

Why the Jaguar driver who didn't win in China will depart the happiest

Formula E
Formula E
Shanghai ePrix II
Why the Jaguar driver who didn't win in China will depart the happiest
Evans owes "team player" Cassidy for Monaco Formula E win

Evans owes "team player" Cassidy for Monaco Formula E win

Formula E
Formula E
Monaco ePrix
Evans owes "team player" Cassidy for Monaco Formula E win
Cassidy must "look internally at myself" after Sao Paulo Formula E crash

Cassidy must "look internally at myself" after Sao Paulo Formula E crash

Formula E
Formula E
Sao Paulo ePrix
Cassidy must "look internally at myself" after Sao Paulo Formula E crash
Autosport Top 50 of 2023: #8 Nick Cassidy

Autosport Top 50 of 2023: #8 Nick Cassidy

Autosport Top 50 of 2023: #8 Nick Cassidy

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