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McLaren M16 Indy 500 winner of 1974, McLaren M23 F1
Autosport Plus
Special feature

When McLaren conquered F1 and the Indy 500

Today marks 50 years since McLaren clinched its first F1 titles as Emerson Fittipaldi won a head-to-head with Ferrari's Clay Regazzoni at Watkins Glen, mere months after taking glory in America’s greatest race with Johnny Rutherford. Here’s how the papaya outfit wrote itself into history, with input from some of the key players

Only Lotus and McLaren have managed to win the Formula 1 world championship and America’s greatest race, the Indianapolis 500, in the same season. After Lotus’s 1965 double with Jim Clark, McLaren managed the feat twice in the 1970s with two truly great single-seaters that followed soon after the death of team founder Bruce McLaren.

We’re at Pembrey with McLaren’s Heritage team, the M16C/D in which Johnny Rutherford won the 1974 Indy 500, and one of the M23s that helped Emerson Fittipaldi to his second F1 crown a few months later. Both cars are the work of designer Gordon Coppuck, who joined McLaren when its total staff numbers had only just got into double figures, and follow the same basic concept.

In this article
Kevin Turner
Formula 1
Emerson Fittipaldi
Johnny Rutherford
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