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Jacques Villeneuve, Team Green Reynard 94I
Autosport Plus
Special feature

The lasting legacy of Reynard’s IndyCar revolution

The successful arrival into Indycars 30 years ago of a British constructor had ripple effects that were felt for years to come, as it proved a disruptive force in US open-wheel racing


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IndyCar’s duopoly had been briefly upended in 1992 by Galmer winning the Indianapolis 500 with Al Unser Jr and Galles Racing. But following a decision by Rick Galles to cancel the Galmer programme, the old order was restored in 1993. If you wanted to win, you had to have a Lola or a Penske chassis. 

Yet that all changed with Reynard’s arrival in 1994. Six podiums was a modest return from its maiden year, but three of those were wins – including the debut victory that had become the constructor’s calling card. The upstart’s instant impact had longer-term significance too. 

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James Newbold
Michael Andretti
Jimmy Vasser
Adrian Fernandez
Chip Ganassi Racing
Galles Racing
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