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#35 Alpine Endurance Team Alpine A424: Paul-Loup Chatin, Ferdinand Habsburg-Lothringen, Charles Milesi
Autosport Plus
Special feature

How Ferdinand Habsburg turned a crash injury into a "blessing"

When Alpine driver Ferdinand Habsburg fractured two vertebrae in a testing crash at Motorland Aragon, he was frustrated with missing out on a couple of races for his maiden top-class campaign in the World Endurance Championship. Yet, from this hardship arose another opportunity

Tuesday 27 March, Motorland Aragon. Ferdinand Habsburg is testing the new Alpine A424 LMDh following its inaugural race outing at the Qatar 1812Km. The Austrian driver had been encouraged by finishing seventh in the World Endurance Championship's season-opener alongside Paul-Loup Chatin and Charles Milesi, his team-mates in the #35 entry, after successfully adopting a canny fuel-saving strategy.

But in the last hour of the test, a mechanical failure on the front axle sends the car straight into the wall in Turn 7, which will change the course of Habsburg's year.

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Ben Vinel
Le Mans
Ferdinand Habsburg
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