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#50 Ferrari AF Corse Ferrari 499P: Antonio Fuoco, Miguel Molina, Nicklas Nielsen
Autosport Plus
Le Mans 24 Hours of Le Mans

The tweaks that could make a landmark Le Mans even better

OPINION: Old records were blown away when nine cars finished on the lead lap at the end of a frenetic Le Mans 24 Hours held in changeable conditions. The rules that have resulted in this development are here to stay, but that's not to say that the event couldn't be improved further

People always ask me a simple question: What is your favourite Le Mans 24 Hours? It’s an inevitable request when you’ve been to as many of the things as I have. My total now stands at 34.

Favourite for me means best, as in the best motor race. And each year as I travel down through France to the biggest event of my year the mind always turns to whether this one will jump somewhere near the top of my personal ranking.

In this article
Gary Watkins
Le Mans
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