The longest-serving Red Bull driver revealing F1’s true brutality
His day of days in Formula 1 came at Indianapolis in 2005, a day grand prix racing strives to forget. But Patrick Friesacher, the long-serving Red Bull lieutenant, remains active today driving a two-seater that provides ordinary people with a glimpse of an F1 car’s savage potential, including this writer...
His face is obscured behind his helmet, but the tone of his voice suggests that the Red Bull driver is grinning from ear to ear.
“How was it?” asks 11-time grand prix starter Patrick Friesacher.
“Wow,” is about all I can muster. “Thanks so much.”
As I extricate myself, slowly, from the two-seater Formula 1 car in which I’ve been whisked around the counter-clockwise Eurospeedway Lausitzring for one fast out-and-in lap, I try to take stock of the whirlwind of events.
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